LL rice 62

Liberty Link (LL) rice 62 was developed by Bayer to be tolerant against glufosinate-based herbicides. These herbicides are sold under the tradenames Liberty, Basta, Ignite, Rely, Finale or RadicaleX.

Glufosinate is one of the 22 herbicides that will be phased out of use in the EU following a decision by the EU parliament early in 2009 to set stricter criteria for the toxicity of agrochemicals.

LLrice 62 is only authorized for cultivation in one country worldwide: the US, and is approved as food or feed in Canada, Australia and Mexico (November 2009). No GM rice at all is approved for food/feed in the EU.

LL62 contamination was found on at least four occasions in 2006/2007 in rice imports into the EU from the US.

authorization status: 
subject to withdrawl and/or bans: 


GM Event: 

Trade name: 


Scientific articles: