On the agenda for this meeting is the renewal of the food authorization of rape seed oil GT73 and the Guidances on e.r.a. and on food/feed from GM animals.
GT73 was one of the first GM food products authorized for import as food in the EU (1997) and has been authorized as feed since 2005. It is however banned in Austria.
The GMO Panel will also discuss the proceedings of the Sub Working Group on Environmental Risk Assessment Guidance, including guidance from, and the Guidance on food and feed products derived from GM animals.
The GMO Panel accepted both opinion on Ms8xRf3 and MON89034xNK603. Both opions were since then open for public consultation at the EU.
At its September meeting the GMO Panel agreed on its draft report assessing the allergenicity and passed it on to the EFSA NDA Panel and Scientific Committee. According to the notes the report is up for final adoption in October, and public consultation afterwards.
The GMO Panel also discussed opinions about 3 GM cotton events by Monsanto (MON531, MON145 and MON15985). For all three events the GMO Panel asked Monsanto further questions about the presence of antibiotic marker genes.
The meeting notes also give a short over view over two mandates and three self-task activities that the GMO Panel work on besides assessing GMO applications.