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New seed monopolies through NGT
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CRISPRthripsis in plants

Gene scissors found to cause chaos in the genome of tomatoes

20 June 2023 / Recent scientific findings have revealed chromothripsis-like effects after the application of CRISPR/Cas in the genome of tomatoes. Chromothripsis refers to a phenomenon in which often several hundred genetic changes occur simultaneously in a 'catastrophic' event. Many sections of the genetic material can be swapped, twisted, recombined or even lost if this occurs.

CRISPR mustard greens for the US

Pairwise to sell mustard greens as salad leaves

25 May 2023 / The biotech company, Pairwise, has announced that it will soon bring mustard greens produced using new genetic engineering (New GE) techniques to the US market. The plants are genetically engineered with the aim of making the leaves less pungent, and the company has also applied for a patent (WO2021030738). According to a 2022 publication, New GE was used to alter 17 genes in the plant genome in parallel.

Field trials of plants derived from new genetic engineering

Testbiotech publishes overview for Europe

19 May 2023 / As of today Testbiotech will be providing up-to-date information on field trials in Europe with plants derived from new genetic engineering (New GE, or new genomic techniques, NGT). The project aims to give an overview of all projects, including trials in the UK since its withdrawal from the EU.

EU Commission plans to proceed rapidly with deregulation of New GE

Kyriakides: proposal for a new law will be presented before the summer break

5 May 2023 / In a letter to Testbiotech, the EU Commission claims that all risks associated with the unintended genetic changes of plants derived from new genomic techniques (NGT, also known as new genetic engineering orNew GE) have already been addressed. At the same time, the responsible Commissioner, Stella Kyriakides, has publicly announced that she will present draft legislation before the summer break to accelerate the introduction of plants derived from New GE.


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