
EU Commission authorises genetically engineered soy with stacked genes for the first time - Monsanto´s soy not only produces insecticide but it is also herbicide-tolerant

Munich/ Brussels, 6.7. 2012 On 27 June, without public communciation, the EU Commission authorised a genetically engineered soy with a combination of gene constructs. Soy MON87701 x MON89788 produces an insecticidal Bt protein and is tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate. It is the first time that a genetically engineered soy with stacked gene constructs has been authorised in the EU for usage in food and feed. Monsanto wants to market these soybeans under the brand name „Intacta“. It will be grown and harvested in Brazil and then imported to the EU.

EFSA GMO-Panel: Still biased

Munich/Parma, 25 June 2012. The revised GMO expert panel at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) still has a majority of experts in favour of using genetically engineered plants in agriculture. Testbiotech estimates that eleven of the twenty panel members have links to industry or are known as proponents of the controversial technology.

EFSA favours cultivation of 'Roundup Ready Soy' within the EU

But new legal dossier shows current authorisation practice violates EU law
Friday, 22 June 2012

The European Food Safety Authority EFSA has for the first time given a positive opinion on the cultivation of genetically engineered soy in the EU. Now the EU Commission and Member States have to make a decision on final market authorisation. The applicant, US company Monsanto, wants to sell its seeds for herbicide tolerant Roundup Ready soy to European farmers. Currently, the genetically engineered soy can be imported but not grown.

Invitation to media event - Genetically engineered plants and independent risk research

Testbiotech invites the media to join them for presentations and discussions on the risks of genetically engineered plants and support for independent risk research. The media event will take place on 14 June 2012 at the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen.


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