
More and more patent applications on CRISPR plants and animals

DowDuPont and 'Baysanto' have taken the lead in new methods of genetic engineering
Friday, 29 June 2018

DowDuPont is ahead having filed around 50 international patent applications (at the WIPO in Geneva) for genome editing and plants, followed by 'Baysanto' with around 30 applications. The US company Cellectis (and its subsidiary Calyxt), in cooperation with Bayer, is registered as having filed more than 20 applications. Further applicants are Syngenta and BASF. So far, very few patents have been filed by traditional breeding companies. These are results of recent patent research evaluated by Testbiotech.

Hearing at the European Court of Justice on the import of genetically engineered soybeans

Health risks from Monsanto's “Intacta” should be assessed in more detail

26 June 2018 / Tomorrow there will be a hearing at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on a legal case filed by Testbiotech together with the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) and the environmental organisation Sambucus (C-82/17 P). The organisations are concerned about the risks connected with genetically engineered soybeans produced by Monsanto and sold under the brand name “Intacta”.

Gene Drives, Risks & Tipping Points

International conference in Bremen on 19 / 20 June 2018

17 May Date / Currently, attempts are being made on several fronts to release genetically engineered organisms into the environment – the aim is to introduce artificial genetic information into native populations. The main focus is on insects carrying a so-called “gene drive”. In natural populations, gene drives are inherited at a higher frequency than is the case in classic patterns of inheritance. Target species under discussion include mosquitos, flies, rats and various plant species.

'Independent scientists' serving the interests of industry

Untruthful assertions about new methods of genetic engineering
Wednesday, 2 May 2018

At present, biotech lobbyists are very active in the EU - and if they achieve their aims these could severely impact the environment and consumers. The lobbyists are attempting to persuade politicians and law-makers that the new methods of genetic engineering, based on methods such as the CRISPR/Cas technique, should be exempted from EU GMO regulation. They claim that changes introduced by techniques known as genome editing are not distinguishable from those brought about by conventional breeding. This is not true. Nevertheless, it is something that is repeated over and over again.


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