
Genetically engineered soybeans: Testbiotech accuses companies of manipulating risk assessment

EFSA provides data but only after a substantial delay
Thursday, 21 December 2017

According to a Testbiotech analysis, there are clear indications that the companies Dow and Bayer manipulated the data for risk assessment of their genetically engineered soybeans. The claim is based on analysis of the data presented by the companies for risk assessment in the EU. Analysis showed that Dow used a special sample of the genetically engineered soybeans in their feeding studies with rats, which was sprayed with much lower amount of herbicides than usual.

Genetically engineered soybeans: EFSA withholding crucial documents

Testbiotech is concerned about risk assessment being ‘doctored’
Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is withholding access to data from feeding trials with genetically engineered soybeans. Testbiotech is concerned that the real health risks from consumption of these soybeans are being concealed. The plants produced by Bayer and Dow AgroSciences each have resistance to three different herbicides, including glyphosate. In analysing documents, Testbiotech became aware of inconsistencies in regard to the feeding trials performed by the US company Dow and, therefore, requested access to the relevant data several weeks ago.

Gates Foundation lobby campaign for the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes carrying a gene drive

Documents show how an international UN conference is being targeted
Monday, 4 December 2017

As documents published today show, an international campaign is underway behind the scenes to pave the way for the release of genetically engineered insects and mammals, carrying a so-called gene drive. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is particularly active in this regard. The foundation has, amongst other things, hired a specialised consulting agency (Emerging Ag) specifically to influence public opinion and future regulatory systems.

No new approvals for genetically engineered soybeans sprayed with glyphosate!

Safety loopholes in the approval process and imports
Wednesday, 25 October 2017

After the vote on glyphosate was postponed once again, Testbiotech is demanding that all approvals for genetically engineered soybeans sprayed with glyphosate are stopped. The reason: The residues in the soybean harvest are from herbicide mixtures that are even more toxic than glyphosate alone, and none of these have ever been properly investigated.


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